How to fix (some) UnknownError and InvalidArgumentError in Capybara

The other day, our headless system specs in a Ruby on Rails project started failing with a bunch of errors we hadn’t seen before. Mostly Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownError: unknown error: failed to close window in 20 seconds but in some cases also Selenium::WebDriver::Error::InvalidArgumentError: invalid argument: 'handle' must be a string.

Usually random errors in browser tests can be fixed by upgrading selenium-webdriver, Chrome, chromedriver or any combination thereof, but not this time.


If you’re seeing errors like unknown error: failed to close window in 20 seconds or invalid argument: 'handle' must be a string in your Selenium test suite running on Chrome you might need to add --disable-search-engine-choice-screen to the driver options.

Root cause

The culprit revealed itself when we tried running the test suite with an actually visible, non-headless Chrome:

Chromes Search Engine Ballot

Chrome, even when running headless, wants the user to pick their search engine preference. But since there is no user, or no way to see the dialog, it’ll just wait and time out after a while.

The solution

Luckily there is a commandline option to disable the dialog: --disable-search-engine-choice-screen. So to fix the issue we can add that to our other Capybara driver options:
  :browser => :chrome,
  :options =>
    :args => [