How to install Ruby 3.0.3 with OpenSSL using MacPorts and RVM

Recently a security patch for Ruby (3.0.3) was released and like a good code maintainer I went to install it. Everything seemed to work fine, alas when I tried to install my gems on the new version I got…

Could not load OpenSSL. You must recompile Ruby with OpenSSL support or change the sources in your Gemfile from ‘https’ to ‘http’. Instructions for compiling with OpenSSL using RVM are available at

It seems rvm requirements/autolibs gives us OpenSSL 3, but Ruby apparently does not work with OpenSSL 3, so it silently ignores it resulting in a Ruby installation compiled with no OpenSSL support. That’s suboptimal.

We need to use a compatible OpenSSL version when installing it would seem. Luckily we can configure RVM to use specific, already installed, OpenSSL versions when compiling using a combination of PKG_CONFIG and --with- directives. We’ve seen this previously installing Ruby 2.3, albeit with an even older OpenSSL version.

The fix

Taking a wild guess at what OpenSSL version we could use, I got Ruby 3.0.3 installed using the following command:

PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/local/lib/openssl-1.1/pkgconfig rvm reinstall 3.0.3 --with-openssl-lib=/opt/local/lib/openssl-1.1 --with-openssl-include=/opt/local/include/openssl-1.1

And with that in place you should have Ruby 3.0.3 installed with OpenSSL 1.1 support using RVM and Macports.

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