Run migrations when deploying to Heroku
We use Heroku for running some of our customers applications. Deploying by a simple git push
is great, but running migrations as part of the process have always been a sore point - until now.
Do it yourself
The initial approach we took was to run migrations by hand after deploy:
$ git push heroku
$ heroku run rails db:migrate
This works to a degree, but has a few issues:
- You have to remember to run them.
- There is a gap between the release of the new version and the migration having run.
- Deployment requires access to heroku-cli in order to run migrations. This can prove problematic when doing continous deployment from a CI server.
- If migrations fail your application might be left in a non-functional state until the migration is fixed.
Script it
The first issue is solvable by scripting deployments in a script - which you should do regardless. We usually have a script like bin/deploy that does the above:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
echo "Deploying master to production"
heroku git:remote --app YOUR_APP_NAME --remote production
git push production
heroku run --remote production rails db:migrate
This doesn’t solve issues 2, 3, or 4, though.
Custom buildpacks
Another solution is to use custom buildpacks to handle running your migrations. Herokus existing ruby-buildpack runs rails assets:precompile
and other tasks on deploy for us. Unfortunately, rails db:migrate
hasn’t made the cut.
It is possible to fork the buildpack and run your own, or add a buildpack that handles migrations for you. This isn’t a solution we have tried out, but do check out Adam Pohoreckis post on the subject.
Herokus “release” phase
Luckily, Heroku has our backs. Late last year, they released a beta feature, called Release Phase, which does exactly what we need.
It allows us to specify a command that is run after the application has been deployed, but before the new version is made available.
In short, it allows us to add a “release” command to the applications Procfile (which you likely have in your root already):
web: bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb
release: rake db:migrate
Now, when we push to our git remote on Heroku, the buildpacks prepare our application, and right before release our release command takes over:
remote: -----> Launching...
remote: ! Release command declared: this new release will not be available until the command succeeds.
remote: Released v270
remote: deployed to Heroku
remote: Verifying deploy... done.
remote: Running release command......... done.
And just like that, your database is migrated before you release the new version to the public. The benefits of this are plentiful:
- We cannot forget to run the migrations
- The database has been migrated when your application is released
- Migrations can be run by anyone/anything that can push to the git remote
- If a migration fails, the deployment is halted, your database changes are rolled back (you did use transactions, right?), and your application keeps running.
This is great for continous deployment and a stable deployment process in general.