Run specific tests via Rake
Geoffrey Grosenbach recently discoved what’s effectively method_missing for rake tasks. I’ve taken his experimental proposed rake task, and changed (I’m reluctant to say “improved”) it slighty.
This modified version uses a different syntax (rake test:foo:bar instead rake foo_bar) and regex matching for test names.
$ rake test:blog
=> Runs the full BlogTest unit test if it exists. If not, looks for BlogControllerTest and runs that.
$ rake test:blog:create
=> Runs the tests matching /create/ in the BlogTest unit test or BlogController functional test as described above.
$ rake test:blog_controller
=> Runs all tests in the BlogControllerTest functional test
$ rake test:blog_controller:create
=> Runs the tests matching /create/ in the BlogControllerTest functional test
# Run specific tests or test files
# rake test:blog
# => Runs the full BlogTest unit test
# rake test:blog:create
# => Runs the tests matching /create/ in the BlogTest unit test
# rake test:blog_controller
# => Runs all tests in the BlogControllerTest functional test
# rake test:blog_controller
# => Runs the tests matching /create/ in the BlogControllerTest functional test
rule "" do |t|
# test:file:method
if /test:(.*)(:([^.]+))?$/.match(
arguments =":")[1..-1]
file_name = arguments.first
test_name = arguments[1..-1]
if File.exist?(“test/unit/#{file_name}_test.rb”)
run_file_name = “unit/#{file_name}_test.rb”
elsif File.exist?(“test/functional/#{file_name}_controller_test.rb”)
run_file_name = “functional/#{file_name}_controller_test.rb”
elsif File.exist?(“test/functional/#{file_name}_test.rb”)
run_file_name = “functional/#{file_name}_test.rb”
sh “ruby -Ilib:test test/#{run_file_name} -n /#{test_name}/”
Do whatever you want with the above code, it’s yours now.