Back from Rome
Saturday the girl and I landed in Copenhagen after a weeklong trip to Rome. We had an excellent time, sucking up the Roman atmosphere, marvelling at buildings and historical sights. Rome is a fantastic city, ranging from impressive monument and buildings to small, twisting streets littered with cozy cafes and restaurants, We thoroughly enjoyed it, even though the autumn weather wasn’t the best we could’ve asked for (hooray for umbrellas).
Notably is that the trip was an Internet success story. It was found and bought online, the hotel researched online, the direction to the hotel found online, and tickets were nothing but sparkles in electrons until we checked in at the airport. And everything worked out smoothly without a single glitch.
Now I am still trying to catch up with mails and blogs and boards – figures the blogging sphere wakes up (and starts discussing web standards and validation of all things) when I am unable to check my feeds, heh. Hooray for spam filters or the task of checking emails would’ve been horrible.
Anyways, I am back and rejuvenated, and trying to survive the drab, danish autumn.