aspTuneTracker enables you to show to other people what music you are listening to at the moment in Winamp and other players.
Requires ASP/VBScript, a directory the webserver can write to, and minor knowledge of ASP/VBScript.
- Create a directory on your webserver to use for storing the logfile. The webserver (IUSR_*) needs to be able to write to this directory.
- Edit tunetracker.class.asp and set the trackDirectory to the directory you just created. Edit other settings to your liking.
- Copy the files from the zipfile to somewhere in your webpath (for example a directory called /asptunetracker in the root of your website).
Include the DisplayTunes.asp library using SSI on the page where you want to show your current tune: For example
<!-- #include virtual="/asptunetracker/DisplayTunes.asp" -->
The following steps assume you're using WinAmp (and is basically a copy/paste job)
- Get the Do Something plugin and install it.
- Go into Winamp's preferences (control-P), look under the Plugins - General Purpose, highlight DoSomething, then hit configure (follow the next steps exactly because the DoSomething plugin has a crappy UI).
- Find the "Actions" drop down, change it to "Submit A URL"
Now you need to find the URL of your RegisterTune.asp script. If you installed the scripts to /asptunetracker it would look like:
To complete the URL you need to add song info. The Do Something plugin offers artist, song, album, and lots of other info, only a few of those are supported by aspTuneTracker. Your final URL should look like (on a single line): song=%%URL_CURRENTSONG%% &LENGTH=%%URL_CURRENTSONGLENGTH%% &title=%%URL_CURRENTSONGTITLE%% &artist=%%URL_CURRENTARTIST%%
- Be sure to then click the "Add ->" button to save it to DoSomething's list of things to do when playing mp3s.
Revision history
v1.0.0 (04-07-2003)
- Initial release