
aspTuneTracker enables you to show to other people what music you are listening to at the moment in Winamp and other players.

Requires ASP/VBScript, a directory the webserver can write to, and minor knowledge of ASP/VBScript.


  1. Create a directory on your webserver to use for storing the logfile. The webserver (IUSR_*) needs to be able to write to this directory.
  2. Edit tunetracker.class.asp and set the trackDirectory to the directory you just created. Edit other settings to your liking.
  3. Copy the files from the zipfile to somewhere in your webpath (for example a directory called /asptunetracker in the root of your website).
  4. Include the DisplayTunes.asp library using SSI on the page where you want to show your current tune: For example

    <!-- #include virtual="/asptunetracker/DisplayTunes.asp" -->
  5. The following steps assume you're using WinAmp (and is basically a copy/paste job)
    1. Get the Do Something plugin and install it.
    2. Go into Winamp's preferences (control-P), look under the Plugins - General Purpose, highlight DoSomething, then hit configure (follow the next steps exactly because the DoSomething plugin has a crappy UI).
    3. Find the "Actions" drop down, change it to "Submit A URL"
    4. Now you need to find the URL of your RegisterTune.asp script. If you installed the scripts to /asptunetracker it would look like:

    5. To complete the URL you need to add song info. The Do Something plugin offers artist, song, album, and lots of other info, only a few of those are supported by aspTuneTracker. Your final URL should look like (on a single line): song=%%URL_CURRENTSONG%% &LENGTH=%%URL_CURRENTSONGLENGTH%% &title=%%URL_CURRENTSONGTITLE%% &artist=%%URL_CURRENTARTIST%%

    6. Be sure to then click the "Add ->" button to save it to DoSomething's list of things to do when playing mp3s.

Revision history

v1.0.0 (04-07-2003)
