Jakob Skjerning

Hello. My name is Jakob Skjerning, and you have stumbled across my online home.

I tweet as @mentalizer and email from jakob@mentalized.net.


Over the years, I have written about BiQ on Rails, Copenhagen.rb, Substance Lab, blogging, browsers, business, development, email, games, hardware, ideas, life, mentalized.net, movies, process, product management, programming, projects, reboot, software, technology, usability, webdesign, and a few other tidbits.

Digital agency owner

I am the CEO and founder of Substance Lab — a digital agency building successful web applications for startups and small businesses.

I have worked professionally with the web since 2000, and I am particularly interested in user centric websites and beautiful code.

Open source contributor

I have written a few, and contributed to more, open source projects, primarily ones written in Ruby. My open source contributions are all on my GitHub profile.

Hobbyist photographer

I like to pretend I'm a photographer and occasionally post photos on Flickr:

Autumn ceiling
Tropical feelings in Givskud